Secret Agent Society Group
We utilize an evidence based themed group for children aged 7-10 years who may struggle with hyperactivity, impulsivity, anxiety and age appropriate social skills. Your child plays the role of “secret agent” and uncovers skills that are useful in identifying feelings and navigating social situations. SAS features an animated ‘secret agent’ computer game, Helpful Thought Missile action game, Challenger board game, and Secret Message Transmission Device. Children will take home a video game they can play at home and will have weekly missions. Parents will also meet weekly to support their children’s efforts.
For more information about the SAS program:

Facilitated Play and Real World Social Skills Training
We offer in-home consultations and treatment as well social skills training at home and in the real world. Ms. Covell and her team offer in-home assessments and treatment for younger children in their home setting. This approach allows the clinicians to assess how the child interacts with his or her world and can intervene and redirect in real time. In certain cases, it can be appropriate to work with the entire family. We can help to identify triggers and develop realistic behavioral plans and actually help with the implementation. We have found that complicated behavioral plans are often ineffective and result in disappointment and frustration for both parents and children. Our in home consultants aim to construct creative, realistic and flexible solutions to everyday family challenges. Our in home team works closely with treating therapist and psychiatrists to provide additional information and support that can be useful in therapy and medication management.
We offer facilitated play as an additional tool for managing social skills. Our in-home consultants will work with your child or teenager in your home or out in the real world. They can tag along on play dates and subtly redirect and encourage your child. They can take your teenagers on “field trips” to practice basic social interactions.
Teen Anxiety Group (ages 13-16)
Do you ever worry that you have an anxious teen? Teen anxiety is real and can be brought on by the stress of school, extracurricular activities, family conflict, adjustment to teen years, changing hormones, and the list goes on! If your teen struggles with worries (ranging from trouble falling asleep, high stress response before big exams/important events, trouble making friends, fear of trying new things) let our team of skilled clinicians guide your teen to learn healthier, more adaptive, skill-based tools to cope with stress and worries.

Resiliency / Stress Management Group (ages 18-25)
In an ever-changing world, stress is unavoidable. We run from exams, to work, to social events, wondering if we will ever find a moment for ourselves. Come learn the techniques that can fuel your mind into a more adaptive, mindful, and positive state… even when life stays hectic!
Social Skills Group
Jacklyn Covell, our integrated child and family consultant, has developed an original curriculum for children which uses group activities and play to support and develop pragmatic language, studentship skills, and practical solutions to everyday social and friendship issues. Children are encouraged to consider alternatives to behavior that is not getting the desired results either at home or school by using their intelligence to override impulsive and negative patterns. Specific strategies are taught and children are grouped by age and developmental level. Ms. Covell also works closely with parents at our office and in your home to empower your child and solidify his or her individual social skill challenges.